February 4, 2012                                                                   


A letter to the Darby Baseball Family, Friends and Community Members


Over the past 15 years Darby Baseball players have enjoyed playing in one of the best baseball programs in Ohio.  Darby is also home to one of the best kept fields in central Ohio as a direct result of Coach Fugitt and his staff.   During this timeframe funding for the program has been provided by the HCSD, Hilliard Darby Athletic Boosters, and donations from families and community businesses.   The generous support provided has truly served the program well.


That being said, the program still needs resources to continuously improve upon the facilities, participation/training opportunities, and support for a long term vision for the program.   Budgetary constraints and increased operational/maintenance costs of the program are a reality. 


Great sports programs at any level are not maintained through wishful thinking they are maintained by vision, commitment, hard work and yes financial support.


To continually enhance and to ensure the continued future success of the Hilliard Darby Baseball program the time for action is now.   For this reason the “Darby Diamond Club” was founded.    The goal of this club will be to provide a venue for friends of the program to gather socially and to work collectively in an effort to raise the financial support necessary to ensure program excellence.


We have set some very aggressive goals for the inaugural year of the club but I believe with the collective support of all of you these goals can and will be accomplished. 


On behalf of the Darby Diamond Club Thank You for your support!!!    


                GO DARBY BASEBALL!!!

                John Elavsky

                Darby Diamond Club

                Founder /  President